When you bring your brain and heart into coherence you open the way for your intuition to come through and reveal creative solutions to problems.
Close your eyes, put one hand on your heart (this helps you to focus) and think of the things and beings in your life that you are grateful for -feel the gratitude, appreciation and love flowing through your heart.
Doing this practice even for just 2 minutes helps to sync your brain (where all the judgments and fears lie) with your heart that is filled with higher emotions. You will be sending messages of well-being to all of your cells. And happy cells are healthy cells. Hatred and judgment only increase the problems we face as a society but if we can begin to open our hearts with compassion we can find a way through all the pain and suffering.
This is a practice called Just Like Me that can help to connect us to each other, despite our differences. Have you thanked someone lately -a teacher, family member, friend, colleague? Call, text, email or drop in and give them a big hug and a THANK YOU.
And if you have someone in mind you can't reach physically, close your eyes and breathe a deep thank you through your heart. Can you remember when you were this happy to see yourself?
Look deep into your eyes, past the "imperfections" and find the joy. For more info on mirror work check out Louise Hay's website. “He showed the words “chocolate cake” to a group of Americans and recorded their word associations. “Guilt” was the top response. If that strikes you as unexceptional, consider the response of French eaters to the same prompt: “celebration.” ― Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto
Other research suggests guilt may actually increase perceived body weight and negatively impact body image. That's right, feeling guilty makes you feel fatter, and feeling fatter may make you want to eat more. ~Psychology Today If you are going to indulge then do so with joy! Even though someone might look like they have it all together, everyone has days when they feel this way.. Shake it off, laugh a little, save this meme to your phone for a smile when you need it.
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