Peace begins with your thoughts and flows into your actions. Be aware of the energy you carry with you - are you fostering peace and compassion or are you bringing fear and separation.
Be true to yourself even if it puts you at odds with the world. No matter what the cost, don't lose you.
Give yourself a break and try focusing on thoughts and doing things that make you feel good, smile even if you don't feel like it (don't grimace). It is good for your health and can leave you feeling more relaxed and optimistic,
Catch yourself when you are stressing and ask - Is this something I can change? Is this something I have control over? If your answer is yes than take action, if your answer is no than take a breath and let it go.
Take one experience of your day and look closely at all of the things that had to come together, in perfect synchronicity, for it to occur. For instance, while enjoying that first cup of coffee think about the chain of events involved in allowing you to have this experience from: the person who planted the coffee bean, the one who watered and cared for it, the one that picked it, the one that ground it, the one that packaged it, the one that shipped it, the one that delivered it, the one that shelved it and the one that sold it to you. And that is just the beginning we haven't addressed the process of the cup, the coffee maker, advertisers or the things added to the coffee.
When you start noticing these things you can't help but to be in a state of awe and gratitude and from it you will develop a kinship with others as you begin to realize the unseen, anonymous contribution they make to your life experience. Love is truly the only solution. Love can mend all - the separation, the fear, the inequality and the despair. So open your heart and when you are suffering wish for all who are suffering to find relief and when you are celebrating wish that all find a way to reason to rejoice.
There are 2 ways to think about aging: the first is linear aging - believing that everyday the cells in your body are getting older and cyclic aging - believing that everyday your body is being replenished with new cells. Considering that we manifest out thoughts which way do you think is more beneficial?
Allow your mind to open to new possibilities, try to gain insight and grow through this experience that we all find ourselves in. Let it mold you and chisel away what is no longer needed. Clinging to what was will just cause you pain and suffering. See with clear eyes and a fresh perspective and be willing to embrace each new day.
Don't beat yourself up for the past, you did the best you could but now if you have grown and you know and understand more, then expect more of yourself and do better.
Now, more than ever, we have the opportunity to practice both gratitude for all that we have been given and compassion for all who are suffering.
We are living in an energetic field and the nature of energy is to move and shift, learning to live in the now is a give we can gift ourselves every moment. Relax and release.
We feel at our best when we are giving, not out of expectation but because we want to. So the act of giving whether it is kindness, money, material goods, knowledge, or time becomes a gift to ourselves. Shine your light, give whatever you can and you as well as the recipient of your gift will benefit from your action.
Your thoughts and behaviors of today are creating your tomorrow. Keep this in mind and regularly ask yourself -do I like what I am creating?
Enjoy your day- listen to music, dance, paint, laugh, meditate, walk, cook, whatever feeds your soul.
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