Last night I watched the documentary The Cave, about the war in Syria and I woke up with this song playing in my head. Peace begins with recognizing that if one is hurting then we all are hurting. Allow a desire for peace to guide all your actions today and everyday.
Use this as a guide for who to spend time with, what activities to engage in, what food and drink to put into your body, which thoughts to focus on and what words to speak.
When the clouds come and bump into you, when they block the light, remember that they are just passing through and that this life is just a small speck in the infiniteness of your soul's journey. Try to be light and enjoy life, find the humor, find the joy.
If you spend your energy regretting the past or worrying about the future you might miss the message. Stay present, stay focused.
Take time daily to detach from this world and go into the emptiness of space, into the vastness of the eternal where you are unhindered by physical limitations and where all possibilities exist.
Don't follow the crowd or try to fit in. Make your own way, find your own truth. And let others do the same.
I have stressed this subject numerous times, because the people you spend the most time with, play such a key role in your happiness and your success (and new research is finding the influence extends even further - but that will be for another email). But don't forget the equally important flip side of this - for you to be the kind of person that others want to be around. because you empower, believe, support, uplift, motivate and appreciate them.
We have no control over events in our outer world, our power lies in the way we choose to respond to these events.
Be a friend today.
Reach out to someone - share a memory, share a joke, make someone laugh, shine your light. Whatever your goals are, take small daily action, let go of the how, believe and trust, and let the universe do the rest.
Today is the 4 year anniversary of CCC Inspire Daily Inspirations. Thank you to everyone for your support and encouragement over the years!
Make sure you are getting enough restful, quality sleep; eat fruits and veggies, nuts and grains - stay away from processed foods; move - walk, workout, garden; feed your mind - read, listen to podcasts, learn something new; have quiet time with yourself - meditate, take a walk in nature; keep good company - be around people that inspire and encourage you, no gossiping; open your heart with a daily practice of gratitude.
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