Right now the external world is filled with uncertainty and unexpected changes, which makes it even more important to spend some time in silence and in finding inner peace.
Youtube offers a plethora of meditations by various teachers, there are apps for your phone, online courses in mindfulness and meditation and Deepak and Oprah's 21 day meditation series is still being offered for free.
Pay attention to your thoughts and behaviors, if you can learn to recognize the limitations your perceptions and beliefs are creating, you will see things more clearly and this will help you to change and grow.
I think many are feeling like a mess right now, not knowing which way is up, living in a world where all the rules have changed, trying to deal with uncertainty. And, on top of all this, no access to a hairdresser!
Be gentle with yourself, if you're feeling anxious and scared try putting on a guided meditation and slowing down your mind, take a bath, turn the news off, laugh with a friend, and find something to appreciate in this very moment. These are my favorites words to recite from Louise Hay "Whenever there is a problem, repeat over and over: All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe." Don't buy in to all the fear the media is selling. Stay focused in the present moment and in gratitude. Radiate love.
Breath, relax your body, surrender to what is, shift your thoughts onto appreciation and gratitude. You are on a grand adventure, imagine how dull it would be if things never changed and you could predict every moment.
Too often we just react to whatever feeling comes up and let it carry us away, or we try to bury or get rid of it, but if we examine the feeling and ask a series of questions we may get to the root of it. You may be surprised to find that your anger is really masking fear or that your depression is really about feeling disconnected. Journaling is a great way to get in touch with your feelings and thoughts.
Write down what you are grateful for, challenge your friends and family to do the same and share your lists. The experience will give you even more to be thankful for.
Wayne Dyer used to say that no one knows enough to be a pessimist. Hang in there, appreciate what you have, reach out to others, be kind to yourself, and know that this too shall pass, maybe not as soon as the day after today but on some tomorrow.
Even in this time when you might be physically isolated from family and friends, when you may be anxious, fearful, depressed or feeling any number of unsettling emotions, you get to choose how you will behave. Do you reach out and make yourself available to those that need help, do you encourage others and make time to listen, do your actions and words offer encouragement and comfort or are you spreading fear, hate and separation? It matters, it all matters.
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